Chiropractic care is extremely important for the elderly adult because of the dramatic changes that occur in the spine with increasing age. There are a number of amazing benefits of chiropractic care specifically for elderly individuals.
As we age, spinal tissues and joints become weaker, less hydrated, more fibrotic, and less able to withstand normal stresses. As a result, spinal degeneration (arthritis) becomes more prominent, tissue injury often occurs, and the time to heal from injuries increases.
Chiropractic care can prevent further degeneration and can restore joint mobility. Frequency and severity of pain will be decreased. Balance and coordination are improved. Improved balance and coordination results in decreased injuries from falls. Enhanced immune function results in greater overall health and ultimately total well-being is improved.
Feeling good, staying healthy and doing the things that make us happy are what keeps us looking forward to each new day. Chiropractic care for the elderly is aimed at increasing and maintaining quality of life.